Sunday, March 12, 2017

27 Pounds down!

One of the best things is waking up and getting on that scale to see how much you have lost every week. This just proves on how much hard work pays off. Stay on track and never give up. If you seen on the previous posts, the reason I started was to loose weight and surprise my mother for when she comes to visit. Now it has turned into a passion to better myself and get healthy. I never would have imagined that I would do this well on Plexus, but YaY me. Little by little my dreams are coming true. Here's to month 2 on Plexus. Can't wait to share another pic of me down the line.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

24 Pounds Lost and still going.

5 weeks ago I decided to take a long hard look at myself. What I was eating. The choices that I was making. I was not happy with the way I looked. I think one of the last straws was putting on my pants and realizing that I had to suck it in just to put them on. Looking in the mirror and seeing how big I was getting from all the fast food, candy, soda, and other crap I was eating and what I allowed it to do to me. I really needed to make some changes for myself if I was going to make a change.

I would always see my cousin post about Plexus Slim and what it was doing for her. The amazing transformation she had made. I called her and told her that I was taking the plunge. No excuses.

Started to take the TriPlex combo and worked very hard for the next 5 weeks. Gave up Soda, Candy, Fast food, Alcohol. Replaced it with healthy foods, vegetables, fruits, water (lots of water), started to hand make all of my meals. No more frozen foods and started to exercise.

I am so committed to making this journey and Loosing the weight. I have tried so many times before and gained it back everytime, but it is so different this go round. With Plexus it is so easy. I have no hunger pains, I don't crave all the unhealthy things that I have depended on before for comfort, I'm happy with myself.

Weighed myself and so far have lost 24 pounds and can see the difference. Makes me emotional to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that all of my hard work is paying off.

Now I know that in another month I will be reporting the next step in my journey and I can't wait to see what I look like then.

#PlexusForLife #PlexusRocks

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Great Natural Desert Idea!

This is such a great desert idea and all natural. Try taking clementine oranges and green grapes and freezing them ❄️❄️❄️. Omg! They are so good. Thus really helps satisfy your sweet tooth. It does for me. Hope this helps. Til next time. 😉

My Pink Drink!

This product helps maintain my blood sugar levels and suppresses my appetite so I'm not so hungry in between meals. The best thing about this is that it burns the fat and not muscle. I just mix it with a bottle of water in the morning and wait 30 minutes before i eat. It's all natural and Gluten free. Plexus Slim was originally developed for diabetics to stabilize blood sugars. Three of the Main Ingredients listed are chromium green coffee bean extract and the fruit extract from Garcinia Cambogia. I couldn't be any happier with the results of this little jewel. 5 weeks and 23lbs lost. I am working really hard so I can get my before and after picture thru the company. 

You can check out the links to the right. Hope this helps. Til next time. 😉

Breakfast Tip.

Now this is a simple breakfast to make and it's really good. Just chop up the green onions, broccoli, and mushrooms and saute in a pan, when cooked add a egg or 2 and scramble all together and there you have it. A nice source of protein and some good veggies too. Enjoy 😉

Frozen food vs Fresh food

When I started back up on my journey I made the conscious decision to make all of my food and cut out all the frozen food out of my life. All the past diets I have done, everything was frozen and prepackaged for me, but it always took a long time to loose the weight and then when I was done with the diet, all the weight came back. So I figured it was time for me to learn to cook for myself the right way. That's why I post all the healthy food that I cook so you all can see what I do and know that it is really easy. Now I cook all of my meals and believe me it makes a big difference. In Combination with all the supplements that I take, it's a piece of cake. Plus you don't want all that sodium content and high preservatives that frozen food gives you. "Yucko". 
Til next time.😉

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Cleanse and Probiotics are a must to loose weight!!!

So about a month ago I started taking Bio Cleanse and ProBio5. With all new things you have a little skepticism, but I figured what do I have to loose. I have tried everything else, what the hell. lol!  Now if you have seen one of the previous posts I made about water and how important it is to drink half of your body weight. Well it is essential and a must for the BioCleanse and Probio5 to work. You can't just take the pills and expect anything to work. Water plays a big part. The Bio Cleanse flushes the bad bacteria out of your system and the ProBio5 scrubbs your intestines to get rid of bad bacteria while replenishing the good bacteria. I cannot be happier with the results. I have lost 21 pounds in almost 5 weeks. 

The reason I started this was to loose weight for my mother. She is coming to visit me in about 4 months and I am working super hard by exercising, changing to a healthier lifestyle, and cutting all of the crap and staying Gut healthy. 

If this can help anyone else reach there goal, then I am sharing it. Putting in a little hard work will go a long way to making you happier and healthier in your journey. 💗💗💗

Chicken, Mushroom and Green onion stuffed Cabbage!

Here is the first of many healthy post ideas. These will be low calorie and some of them will be packed with protein.

This one was super easy to make. You just get 3 cabbage shells about 6 ounces worth, give or take, mushrooms 6 ounces, shredded chicken 6 ounces, and some sliced green onions 1 ounce. Place your cabbage shells on the side "raw". Place chicken, green onions, and mushrooms in a pan and saute for about 15 minutes. When done stuff your shells and put the seasoning of your choice on top. Below is the finished result. About 428 calories for 3. Enjoy 😋

Water VS Soda: Why The Fuss?

Since I have started my journey to loose weight, I decided to cut soda from my daily routine and boy has it made a big difference. It has helped me to loose weight effectively and more efficiently. I know from personal experience that drinking water is gross. 😝 To make it a little better you have to get a little creative to make it enjoyable to drink. You can try a water bottle with a infuser. 
These are super fun. You can really get creative and add lots of fun fruits and eat them as a snack when you are done. "Bonus" 😀.

To also give you a better understanding on why it is better to drink water over soda, I have posted a image below to give you the positives and negatives that will make it all clear. 

Once you get in the groove of drinking water, your body will really thank you for it and it will help you shed those pounds faster. I also included a water chart to let you know how much water to drink and the more weight you loose the  less water you will have to drink. How awesome is that. 

Loosing weight is never easy. But every little bit of information will help you a little more along the way to being a better you. Hope this helps. 💖💖💖

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Stressing out and Maintaining control.

I know there are times that I want to give in to the food that is not good for me. Even though now I have my control back, but I think this is all physiological 😐. Last week I learned that I might loose my job and that was a big test for me and I wanted to drop it all and go somewhere and get the greasiest food and then go buy some alcohol and waste my night away. Not that I was weak, Not because I was craving it, Just because I wanted to say screw it all and to hell with it. It was easier to go back to my own ways, because that was a comfort zone for me. I had to tell myself that it I did this, I would throw away all the hard work I had put into myself for a whole month and that it was not worth it.

I know we all want to give up and it is hard. I have been eating this way for all of my life and finally told myself  "Do you want to be like this for the rest of your life?". I had to be ready to make the change for me and the betterment of my life and new path I wanted to take. I am so happy I did 😏.

Believe in yourself, Have faith in yourself, Give yourself some credit. You can do this. It only takes one step at a time. 💖💖💖

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

What I have been doing.

Plexus TriPlex combo

The Bio Cleanse basically flushed all of the bacteria out of your system, the Probiotics scrubs your gut to get rid of bad bacteria while replenishing it with good bacteria, and Plexus Slim (Pink Drink), helping to keep your body’s fats, cholesterol, and blood sugars balanced, so they don’t continue to feed the bad bacteria!

I could not be happier with the results. So far I have lost 20lbs with this product. Could be more happier. My pants are even getting baggy and I love that.  More pics to come. 

Mason Jar Salads

These are super awesome on the go salads for lunch and dinner. Sometimes what I do is makes these as a side salad to go with every meal. They last for 5 days and are super yummy. All you need are mason jars and you are ready to go. 

Changing everything

Totally revamping my blog. I am going to be posting on everything that I have been doing to keep in shape, food prep ideas, healthy snacks, anything I can think of to help anyone out there loose weight Like I have been. Knowledge is power. More to come.

Back at it again with a attitude!!!

I can't believe it has been 5 years and I am right back where I started. Well what can i say. I have gained the weight and then some, but have been working on loosing it again. "High Hopes"
. I have been doing a new system, which I will be sharing in my future posts, and have been at it for a month. So far I have lost 20lbs and am feeling better then ever. Although I have a ways to go. My goal is to loose 64 more pounds in about a 4 more months. I will try my very best to reach it. I want to surprise my mommy when she comes to visit me. "Fingers Crossed"

Will be posting soon.