Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Stressing out and Maintaining control.

I know there are times that I want to give in to the food that is not good for me. Even though now I have my control back, but I think this is all physiological 😐. Last week I learned that I might loose my job and that was a big test for me and I wanted to drop it all and go somewhere and get the greasiest food and then go buy some alcohol and waste my night away. Not that I was weak, Not because I was craving it, Just because I wanted to say screw it all and to hell with it. It was easier to go back to my own ways, because that was a comfort zone for me. I had to tell myself that it I did this, I would throw away all the hard work I had put into myself for a whole month and that it was not worth it.

I know we all want to give up and it is hard. I have been eating this way for all of my life and finally told myself  "Do you want to be like this for the rest of your life?". I had to be ready to make the change for me and the betterment of my life and new path I wanted to take. I am so happy I did 😏.

Believe in yourself, Have faith in yourself, Give yourself some credit. You can do this. It only takes one step at a time. 💖💖💖

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