Thursday, March 2, 2017

Cleanse and Probiotics are a must to loose weight!!!

So about a month ago I started taking Bio Cleanse and ProBio5. With all new things you have a little skepticism, but I figured what do I have to loose. I have tried everything else, what the hell. lol!  Now if you have seen one of the previous posts I made about water and how important it is to drink half of your body weight. Well it is essential and a must for the BioCleanse and Probio5 to work. You can't just take the pills and expect anything to work. Water plays a big part. The Bio Cleanse flushes the bad bacteria out of your system and the ProBio5 scrubbs your intestines to get rid of bad bacteria while replenishing the good bacteria. I cannot be happier with the results. I have lost 21 pounds in almost 5 weeks. 

The reason I started this was to loose weight for my mother. She is coming to visit me in about 4 months and I am working super hard by exercising, changing to a healthier lifestyle, and cutting all of the crap and staying Gut healthy. 

If this can help anyone else reach there goal, then I am sharing it. Putting in a little hard work will go a long way to making you happier and healthier in your journey. 💗💗💗

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